About Me
I originally started this blog in 2015 to encourage college students and provide them with Bible-based teaching that was brief, easy to read, and easy to understand. Today, the audience has expanded to include anyone who would like to be encouraged through concise Bible-based teaching as garnered through study of the scriptures and reflections on my thoughts and experiences.
I like to say things as directly and matter-of-factly as possible. My posts also reflect the value I place on honesty, truth, and accuracy. Like any other teaching platform, I am accountable for what I present and I take that charge extremely seriously. I like $10 vocabulary words, but I try not to be obnoxious, especially when using one doesn't really add anything to the post.
As you read my posts, I hope you'll be encouraged in truth you already know, learn something you didn't, gain fresh perspective about yourself or the subject discussed, or just be entertained by my musings on my life.
I have been a follower of Jesus and student of the Bible for over 20 years and have an M.A. Theological Studies. God is infinite, so I'm still learning. I started teaching Sunday school in my early twenties and have been teaching ever since. I've led small groups, worked as a women's ministry leader in a university setting, and served as a part-time church administrator. My spiritual gifts include teaching, prophecy, exhortation, and administration (Romans 12:6-8). I diligently seek God in how to use these gifts to equip the saints and build up the body of Christ to maturity (Ephesians 4:11-14).
I usually like to use the English Standard Version (ESV) of the Bible for study due to its more literal translation of the Hebrew and Greek. Some resource sites I utilize are www.biblegateway.com, www.biblehub.com, and www.blueletterbible.org.
You can follow me on Twitter @dmwatson2
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