Transition is an interesting process. It's a time of change and waiting. It can be exciting or terrifying. It can be welcome or dreaded. Some transitions are quick and others seem to drag on forever. When you are in transition, you are ceasing to be one thing in order to become something else. It may be similar to what you are currently, or it may be completely different. No matter what kind of transition you are in, resist the urge to go back to your old way and don't get stuck in becoming.
I've been seeking to make changes in my life without really knowing what their end result will be. I have a general idea, but while I've been in transition, I've been tempted to go back to being what I have been. I've also been tempted to stay in the becoming. I'm currently transitioning from chemically straightened (relaxed) hair to my naturally curly hair. Waiting for my hair to grow out enough to cut off all the straightened parts is time consuming and tedious, as the differing hair textures require different types of maintenance. Going back to the relaxer or keeping my relaxed hair longer are enticing options. Both are safe spaces because they don't require the unknown.
I already know what it's like to be what I've been. The beginning of self-initiated change is usually not too difficult. I have some ideas of how things will turn out but it's still fairly easy to backtrack if I need to change course. Both of these lead to sticking with what's comfortable and the status quo.
"Don't get stuck in becoming" came to me following a dream I had about my past last night and reading a Facebook post this morning about not being distracted by the past. It's easy to return to the familiar when changing becomes uncomfortable. Whether it's regarding a hairstyle or a habit, the urge to stay the same has to be actively resisted.
You initiated the change for a reason. Don't forget that reason.
I've been seeking to make changes in my life without really knowing what their end result will be. I have a general idea, but while I've been in transition, I've been tempted to go back to being what I have been. I've also been tempted to stay in the becoming. I'm currently transitioning from chemically straightened (relaxed) hair to my naturally curly hair. Waiting for my hair to grow out enough to cut off all the straightened parts is time consuming and tedious, as the differing hair textures require different types of maintenance. Going back to the relaxer or keeping my relaxed hair longer are enticing options. Both are safe spaces because they don't require the unknown.
I already know what it's like to be what I've been. The beginning of self-initiated change is usually not too difficult. I have some ideas of how things will turn out but it's still fairly easy to backtrack if I need to change course. Both of these lead to sticking with what's comfortable and the status quo.
"Don't get stuck in becoming" came to me following a dream I had about my past last night and reading a Facebook post this morning about not being distracted by the past. It's easy to return to the familiar when changing becomes uncomfortable. Whether it's regarding a hairstyle or a habit, the urge to stay the same has to be actively resisted.
You initiated the change for a reason. Don't forget that reason.
Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:18-19 ESV
The Spirit is busy with all of us, right now!!! Wow! We are being prepared! Great revelations in this article and the timing….whew!