Reflections of Leadership

I remember being in high school and having friends say, “Dorian, you’re going to be the first female president!” I would laugh and shake my head. I thought it was a strange thing to have said about me, as I didn’t consider myself a leader. As I have moved through life, leadership has been integrated into my person. In this post, I’d like to share some things I’ve learned along the way.

Always be yourself
This may seem like a no-brainer, but if you aren’t intentional about it, you will try to become who each of your followers wants you to be. As believers, our focus should always be on our leader Jesus, and what He desires for us and our organization/group. Your talents, personality, skills, and spiritual gifts all contribute to your leadership style. Hold true to them and trust the Lord will perfect your strengths and be perfect in your weaknesses.

Know yourself
Hand-in-hand with being yourself is, knowing who and how you are. It's important to have a bead on what works for you and what doesn’t. It is difficult to lead well when you are unable to identify your boundaries and goals and adhere to them. Identify what your boundaries and goals are and the things that challenge them.

Know your followers
People are one way as individuals and another as a group. Get to know those you lead in both contexts. 

Leadership is not about being the “Leader”
Isn’t that oxymoronic? No, leadership is not about an individual, it is about a group. Jesus demonstrates this throughout His ministry. If there are no followers, there is no leader. Leadership is about serving.

Every experience is leadership development
Take note of everything you are learning and experiencing during this season of your life and be thinking of how you can apply it to current and future leadership opportunities.

Never stop learning
The best leaders know that they “don’t know anything.” Be teachable and continue to seek out teachers, mentors, leaders, and others who can challenge and grow you.

I hope these reflections will inspire and help you on your own leadership journey!


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