Grow Up
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 1 Corinthians 13:11 NKJV
The Lord recently revealed to me that I needed to grow up. It was a sobering revelation, but not a surprising one. This may be surprising if you know me in person. If you ask people to describe me, words they may use are: serious, intense, wise, dependable, professional, practical. These are accurate descriptors and they are usually associated with mature adults. So why would the Lord let me know I needed to grow up?
I'm 40 years old, but some areas of my thinking are still juvenile. I have been attempting to make outward circumstances conform to my immature mind rather than admitting to myself that I am looking at them from a childish mindset. The apostle Paul talks about the childish mindset in 1 Corinthians 13. Childlikeness is fine when it comes to faith, but thinking and reasoning like a child is not beneficial once you have become an adult.
Children think and reason from inexperience, ignorance, highly sensory perceptions, selfishness, and the sin nature.* This type of logic can lead to impulsive decisions and undesired consequences. Applying this same logic as an adult can produce unfruitfulness, bitterness, backsliding, and the need to repeat lessons. I knew I needed to make some changes to my perception and the way I was thinking about things, but I didn't realize that part of my problem was that I was thinking like a child. Because "I'm 40 and a grown woman", it never crossed my mind that I was thinking immaturely! But I was and until I was able to admit it, I could not move forward.
So what does this mean for you? Well, you may already know that you need to grow up in some area of your life; and you may not. If you do, acknowledge the truth and seek the Lord on how you can mature. If you don't know, examine yourself and ask the Lord if you are thinking like a child. I will be honest, this truth can be hard to receive but knowing it will truly set you free.
Once it does, grow up and put childish ways behind you.
*These are my personal observations. I recognize that some children are saved and have a new nature in Christ.
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