Guest Post: If I Have Not Love

A special guest post by my sister Casey Longenecker.

What does it profit a man? Mark 8:36

If I have the voice of angels and have not love I am like a harsh cymbal. 1 Corinthians 13:1

I was listening to David Crowder sing about a prodigal child when the lyrics “if you’re lost and wandering come stumbling in like a prodigal son” suddenly opened a desire in me to seek out the “lost and wandering.” For the first time I wondered, What is the value of my own belief in a Loving Most High God if I wasn’t actively seeking to share Him with a lost and fallen world?

Suddenly the words “If I have not love” had a new meaning. How hollow are my praises if I am not seeking to share my gift of grace? What have I gained if I have not loved enough to ensure that others have heard from me about this gift of salvation that requires nothing but that it be received? That change comes from the Holy Spirit dwelling in us and not from ourselves? Too often as Christians, we frighten and discourage others with our insistence that they change of their own accord.

Brothers and Sisters, love the unsaved and live a life that serves as a beacon. Let the Holy Spirit make the changes God desires. Then and only then will the change occur.


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