Definitions: Trauma

Last year has been repeatedly described as unprecedented in the history of the world. As 2021 was ushered in 31 short days ago, many have sought hope in the change in the calendar; the change of our president; and various vaccines. For me, 2021 has been a continuation of 2020 and the word I have for it is trauma.

The New American Oxford Dictionary defines trauma as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. 2020 was definitely a deeply disturbing and distressing experience! Usually when I think of trauma, I think of medical injuries or soldiers who have been in combat. But by definition, many of us have been traumatized more often than we may acknowledge. 

With a collective trauma like the pandemic, it's easy to downplay its personal effect by comparing your situation to someone else's. While that may have a soothing effect for a moment, it doesn't remove the damage that is being done. While you may not have gotten sick yourself or lost a loved one to the disease, there is still grief that needs to be processed. For me, the constant air of uncertainty, pain, and sorrow the pandemic has created exacerbates all the everyday traumas I try to suppress. 

Sometimes I am comforted by the word of God. Other times, I sit in despair. I don't have any great words of wisdom to share right now. I thought that I would share my feelings, knowing that I am not the only one who needed to say out loud that I am presently experiencing the trauma of the pandemic and even though I know God has got me, it's really hard.


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