Christianese: A Guide to the Jargon and Lingo of Christians

I used to work with college students full-time and my colleagues and I put together a glossary of terms and phrases used by Christians that non-believers and newer Christians were not familiar with. Full disclosure, defining some of these was difficult even though we'd heard them in church for years. If you have any additional terms or phrases that would be appropriate for this list, please add them in the comments with their biblical reference.

Bible Abbreviations: 
NT – New Testament OT – Old Testament NIV – New International Version KJV – King James Version NKJV – New King James Version HCSB – Holman Christian Standard Bible ESV – English Standard Version 


Adoption: When someone surrenders their life to Jesus Christ they are brought into the family of God through the finished work of Jesus Christ. (SEE Romans 8-9Galatians 4:5Ephesians 1:5

Atonement: When Jesus died on the cross, he bore the punishment for our sins. His blood was shed as a sacrificial offering, which enabled the reconciliation between God and man. (1 Peter 2:24Hebrews 9:12

Bride of Christ: This refers to the church, which is the redeemed body of believers who are God’s chosen children. Marriage as we experience it presently is a representation of the spiritually intimate relationship we will have with God after we have been fully sanctified. (SEE Ephesians 5:29-32Revelation 21

Count The Cost: In the scriptures Jesus calls those that set out to follow him to first count the cost and recognize the sacrifice of following Jesus. (SEE Luke 14:25-33

Die To Oneself: This refers to surrendering and dying the selfish ways of the fleshly nature in order to honor God by living by the Spirit. (SEE Luke 9:231 Peter 2:24Romans 8:13

Disciple: When used as a noun it means to be a student and follower of Christ. As a verb it means to train others in the Christian faith. (SEE Luke 14:27John 8:31-32Matthew 28:18-20

Do Life Together: This is in reference to living and seeking fellowship within the community of believers. The person that seeks this is a person that desires unity. (SEE Acts 2:42-47

Election: This is in reference to God choosing in His sovereignty those people that will be saved. (SEE Romans 8:31-39Romans 9:1-29

Eternal Security/Once Saved Always Saved: The salvation that we have received by God’s grace through faith in Jesus cannot ever be lost or taken away from us. God’s salvation is constant and never ceases. (SEE John 10:27-29John 6:37Romans 11:29

Evangelism/Witness: This is in reference to intentionally sharing with someone about the salvation that has been made available through belief and faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. (SEE Matthew 28:15-20Acts 1:8Romans 10:10-17

Flesh: This is in reference to our physical and sinful human nature that is apart from divine influence. (SEE 1 John 2:15-17Galatians 5:19-21Romans 8:1-17

Gospel: This in a literal way means “good news”. The “good news” is that Jesus has paid the penalty for our sins and we can be reconciled with God through Christ’s finished work. (SEE Matthew; Mark; Luke; John; Romans 1-8) 

Grace: The favor and goodwill that we receive from God that we do not deserve and have done nothing in order to receive; the unmerited favor of God towards man. (SEE Ephesians 2:8-9John 1:14John 1:16

Heart: This refers to your very self. (SEE Matthew 22:37Matthew 6:21Proverbs 4:23

In Jesus’ Name: This refers to making requests in the name of Jesus – as His representative – as He instructed in John 14:13-14. It is commonly used at the end of prayers, however it is not a magic phrase to get what you want.

Justification: This refers to being made righteous in the eyes of God through the finished work of Jesus Christ. (SEE Romans 3:28Romans 5Galatians 2:16

Missions: This refers to the task of fulfilling the Great Commission, which instructs us to go out spreading the name of Jesus to others. (SEE Matthew 28:19-20

Personal Relationship with Christ: This refers to your connection, association, and involvement with Jesus through prayer, praise, and worship. (SEE James 4:8

Prodigals: This refers to those who have known the goodness of God, but have turned away from Him. (SEE Luke 15:11-32

Propitiation: This refers to Jesus taking our place and bearing the punishment for our sins. (SEE Romans 3:251 John 2:21 John 4:10

Regeneration: This refers to being made new by God from the sinful nature that once gripped us. (SEE Titus 3:3-7

Repentance: This refers to being conscious of guilt as a result of sin and turning from that sin to God. (SEE Luke 13:3Acts 3:191 John 1:9

Sanctification: This refers to the process by which the Christian is purified in heart and mind. This is completed upon death or Christ’s return. (SEE Romans 6:221 Thessalonians 5:232 Corinthians 5:17

Saved: This refers to the deliverance from the consequences and power of sin through Jesus’ death and resurrection. (SEE Ephesians 2:8-9Mark 16:16John 10:9

Second Coming: This refers to the return of Jesus to judge and rule the earth. (SEE 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17Revelation 21-22

Sin: This refers to transgression against God and in a literal sense means to miss the mark. (SEE Genesis 4:7John 16:7-9Romans 3:23Romans 5:12-14) 

Spiritual Gifts: This refers to skills/abilities given by the Holy Spirit to be used in the building of the Kingdom of God. (SEE 1 Corinthians 12) 

Trinity: This refers to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This term is not specifically found in scripture but is demonstrated in Genesis 1:26-27 and Matthew 3:15-17.

Union with Christ: This refers to being united with Jesus in purpose, thought, and action. (SEE Romans 12:5; John 17:20-23Ephesians 3:14-19

Your Walk: This refers to your personal study of scripture, prayer, praise, worship of and obedience to Jesus. (SEE Genesis 5:22-24Ephesians 5:8Hebrews 12:1-2


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