Ministry of the Puzzle
My dad loves jigsaw puzzles, especially ones with 1000 or
more pieces. He recently bought several for us to put together as a family. As
we worked on them, I noticed that more than putting the pieces into place, my
father enjoyed watching his children check the design, locate the correct
pieces, and work together to complete the task. I couldn’t help but make the
correlation to my heavenly Father, who works the same way in my life.
Here are 8 things I’ve learned:
Don’t let the number
of pieces discourage you. When you open the box of a 2000 piece puzzle, the
volume of pieces can cause a shock. Even though it clearly says there are a
plethora of parts to be assembled right there on the box, having them all right
there in front of you can make the task look impossible. Resist the urge to
flee and start somewhere. (I don’t recommend dumping them all out on the
Start with what you
recognize. Many people begin putting a puzzle together by assembling the
edge pieces first. The edge pieces are usually easy to identify and they
provide a framework that works as a guide to connect the rest of the interior
Use the references.
We are conditioned in school not to look at references so as not to cheat.
While that is a great rule for school tests, it doesn’t apply to puzzles. The
picture on the box shows you what you are trying to accomplish. Refer to it as
often as you need to!
Try it another way.
Once you’ve got some pieces together, you can see what additional pieces you
need to make more progress. At some point you will probably come across one
that looks right, but doesn’t fit. Sometimes you have the right piece but in
order for it to go in correctly, it must be turned another way. Changing the
position of the piece can bring clarity on how it goes in.
Missing Pieces.
You may be working a section and no matter how many times you search through
the box, you cannot locate the piece that connects the others that you have.
It’s a good idea to check the floor to see if it has fallen out of sight.
Sometimes though, the piece really is missing.
Go with the flow.
I found that some sections refused to come together until other parts were
completed. Initially I was very frustrated with that, but I learned to release
my desire to finish that part and focus my effort elsewhere until it was the
right time to go back.
Receive assistance. While
it’s satisfying to say, “I did it all by myself,” having help and sharing the
experience makes the process faster and more fun.
Take your time.
Puzzles take time. The larger the puzzle, the more time it will take to
complete. Set your expectations according to the size of the task and determine
to commit the time necessary to accomplish it.
I’m still working on my own life puzzle, but these lessons
have helped me be more efficient in the process.
Originally written for Gospel Community Rivermont Newsletter 8/16/18
Originally written for Gospel Community Rivermont Newsletter 8/16/18
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