Just Ask God

I have been studying God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and the Church and what they all mean for me in this season. It's been overwhelming, but extremely enlightening. As I have grown in relationship with God and in knowledge of Him, His ways, and His purposes, I've also grown in questions. Maturing in Christ is a process and as I have yet to have my mind fully renewed, I still see through the glass dimly. This dimness causes me to sometime rely too heavily on natural answers to supernatural questions.

I was researching a topic recently and got sidetracked by a blogpost on the doctrine of the Trinity. As I read the post, there were things I disagreed with. As I was reflecting on my own understanding of the triune nature of God, I was reminded of James 1:5 NKJV "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him." God does not want us to be guessing about who He is or how He operates. This verse also reminded me that I do not need to put the teachings of men before God. There are many Spirit-led, knowledgeable authors, teachers, writers, et al. out there and it is okay to consult their work to help you gain understanding and find answers to the questions you have. However, the tangent I explored showed me that I was looking for men to answer me rather than going to God first.

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33

God knows what we need and promises that as we draw near to Him, He'll draw near to us (James 4:8). When I come to Him first with my questions, not only will I get a trustworthy answer, but I also get closer to my Father.


  1. I love it! Thank you for sharing this truth. I used to always focus on Matthew 6:33, and itis great to be reminded of this verse.


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