The Cat's Vision

Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law. Proverbs 29:18 ESV

Have you ever had a vision? Maybe it was for a specific college you wanted to go to or a design scheme for your home. It may have been a vision for a career or a supernatural vision from God. Dreams and visions are mentioned throughout the Bible and are important for us to take note of for our own lives. There are many visions of note in the scriptures. Joseph had a dream of his family bowing before him. Ezekiel had a vision of heavenly beings moving to and fro. Peter had a vision of a sheet full of animals. These were all significant visions of men of God, but the vision I want to focus on in this post belonged to a fictional cat.

Puss In Boots is a classic fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. I had the book and a read along cassette tape when I was a child. In a recent conversation with my sister, the vision of Puss in Boots came to mind as a template for how we too can have a vision and see it come to fruition. If you're not familiar with the tale, you can read it here. In short, the story is about a cat that proves he is of great value although he appears to be worthless. Puss in Boots proves this by making his master, a miller's son, into a great noble through the execution of a plan.

Now Puss in Boots uses trickery and lies to accomplish his goals, which I do not advocate, but he demonstrates some very important principles as he turns a miller's son into a marquis.

Have a plan
Now the Brothers Grimm don't elaborate on why it is Puss in Boots has this plan or when he came up with it. What is important is that he had a plan! He is confident in his plan and each part of it is thought out.

Resource your plan
The first thing Puss in Boots does is get his boots. Awesome footwear is required to accomplish great things (jk). But looking the part certainly helps. Puss in Boots knew he needed to look a particular way in order for his plan to work, and he got what he needed in order to set his plan into motion.

Work your plan
Once he was resourced, Puss in Boots went right to work. He didn't waste any time in executing the next step in his plan.

Navigate obstacles
Obstacles to your plan can come in various forms. One Puss in Boots faced was the fear and doubt of his master. Time was another. He had a very short window in which to align all of the pieces of his plan. The major obstacle he faced was the ogre. With each obstacle, Puss in Boots reminded others and himself that he had a plan and he remained confident in the validity and possibility of that plan. He also looked at the obstacles from the vantage point of the completed plan.

Enjoy the fruit of your plan
The whole purpose of a plan is to enjoy its outcome. Puss in Boots invested time, thought, energy, work, and ingenuity in his plan and was able to see all of it pay off. He was able to honestly say that his worth was very great as he looked on all that he had accomplished through his vision.

You may not be trying to prove your value by turning a miller's son into a marquis, but a vision can help you accomplish great things in your life. It may be to organize your home or start a ministry or utilize your time more wisely. Whatever it is,  take a hint from Puss in Boots and make a plan (but make sure it is an honest one).

And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. Habakkuk 2:2 ESV


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